I kicked off the start of the fall teaching semester a little differently this morning. When it comes to drawing, writing and telling stories, there are few places more humbling & inspiring than SVA’s Illustration as Visual Essay Graduate program. This year, in addition to the Digital Portfolio class with the 1st year students, I […]
We take great comfort in the fact that our core competency is design, user experience and front end development. This is not to say that we could not also build large scale web applications – it’s just not advantageous for us to offer this part of the process as a service. Most of the pain […]
Admit it, deep down inside we (or at least I) all secretly want to explore the heavens untethered from the Earth and unlock all the mysteries of the universe. Perhaps that is why the beautiful info-graphic art of Michael Paukner is so appealing. His work focuses on many scientific themes such as space exploration, as […]
While recovering from a cold I, Thomas Romer, was able to produce for myself a series of sneezes. Sleeping nearby me was my wife of 8 years Maryalice. The fifth and final sneeze (and what followed) has been captured here for your enjoyment. Additionally, this remix has been provided by Sir Jon Francis of the […]
Chopping Block first worked with Phish back around the late 90’s on a number of projects including (but not limited to) Farmhouse, Trampled by the Lamb, The It Festival, Phish 2.0 and later Phish 3.0. Depending on the nature of the project, Phish has always leaned heavily toward the absurd and often messing with conceptual […]
Every morning for several months, I get out of the Canal Street 1 stop and I walked past a fenced in area between Canal and Grand. I was curious about what was brewing behind those closed fences but I could never quite get a good look. Then a few weeks ago the fences came down […]
We will not be posting about Adobe’s announcement that Flash Professional CS5 will allow developers to build applications for iPhone and iPod touch, instead we are supporting CreativePro’s even more awesome post. See how I did that.
The recurring discussion as of late is about hyperlinks opening in new windows (seriously, we actually sit around arguing about this stuff. NERDS!). Some people like that behavior, some people don’t. And some of us believe that it is less about our preference, but what is best for all users of a website.
I met Bill Gates once… and I didn’t ask him the one question I wanted to. The newly introduced “Bing” logotype (and Armin’s post about it at underconsideration.com) is yet another reminder that I dropped the ball. With the amount of money and time spent building and branding their updated search experience, bing.com, how can […]
All developer/designer types have a myriad of applications in their arsenal that they cannot live without. I am going to skip over the obvious ones: Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator and focus on a few deeper tracks that you may or may not have heard of. Textmateby Macromates http://macromates.com In it’s simplest form, Textmate is a plain […]