Robot Stuff on Etsy

Monday, 03.16.09 at 2:06 pm
Written by , Posted Under: Not Work,Opinion

Made by Littlebrownbyrd

In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re big Robot fans here at the Block. I also happen to be a huge craft/handmade fan therefore a big fan of Etsy. I figured it would be great to combine the two passions into a post, Robot stuff on Etsy.

The first thing I’ve found is an adorable hand made Stuffed Robot made by Littlebrownbyrd.  At $25 this little hand crafted gem is a total adorable bargain. This particular bot has been lovingly made a reserved for a specific person but Littlebrownbyrd will handcraft a personalized robot just for you. I’m thinking about it. They’re just so darn cute.

To view some of Littlebrownbyrd’s robots that have been made for others, click here

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Robots with pink earmuffs are the cutest!

03/16/2009 | 9:27 pm

earmuffs definitely add a +3 to the cute factor.

03/17/2009 | 7:40 am
Sing Out, Sista: