The idea for came from postings I had made to a popular forum known as yayhooray on which I was managing three separate threads concerning current missions to Mars, Saturn and a page of other space miscellany. A number of people on the forum suggested I make my own blog of that same material […]
In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re big Robot fans here at the Block. I also happen to be a huge craft/handmade fan therefore a big fan of Etsy. I figured it would be great to combine the two passions into a post, Robot stuff on Etsy. The first thing I’ve found is an adorable hand […]
Thanks for clicking by! We have grand plans for This is the first release within the much hyped ROBOTS™ redesign of the studio site. Over the years, we have created dozens (if not ten bushels) of blogs and publication tools for clients and friends — it’s way beyond time we built one for ourselves. […]