Finally, the original icon of office humor will finally have an official logo for all his TPS reports. Working in cooperation with the creator Scott Adams and United Media, The Chopping Block developed the new look for the legendary comic to help establish a brand beyond the well known characters of the strip. As if […]
Design life is more than a tshirt design. Its a way of life. Know what I’m sayin’? I mean, its a tshirt that’ll put some hair on your chest… Know what I’m sayin’? The kernel of this idea came from a bowling team full of Chopping Block folks. The team name was the “Burly Bowling […]
We have been working closely with Climate Central to help illustrate the actual data they get back from NASA and the US Navy on climate change. Climate Central is a nonprofit science and media organization created to provide clear and objective information about climate change and its potential risks. The illustrations are an attempt at […]
A few weeks back, we helped our good friends at to redesign their shipping and product fulfillment blog. It’s great to see it up and running. The team is doing a fantastic job keeping the posts knowledgeable and fresh. It is increasingly becoming a fantastic resource for growing your online business. It is also […]