Illustration, Inspiration, SVA & Bluecanvas
Monday, 08.15.11 at 5:36 pm
Written by Matthew, Posted Under: Inspiration,Studio
The MFA Illustration as Visual Essay program at School of Visual Arts was recently featured in Bluecanvas Magazine. As part of the collaboration, I was asked to be part of an informal (and documented) conversation about storytelling, illustration and the graduate program itself.
We are all natural born storytellers. We draw before we can write or speak. As children, our drawings reflect how we see and feel about ourselves and the world around us.
– Marshall Arisman, Chair
Every fall and spring I am reminded how awesome the Illustration as Visual Essay program truly is, and what an honor it is to be a part of it. (Vimeo link)
art, bluecanvas, Design, discussion, Graduate School, illustration, Inspiration, MFA, panel, SVA, teaching, Video, Vimeo