Robot Stuff on Etsy – Part 2
Today’s Robot Stuff on Etsy features a hand pulled screen print of a robot made up of letters on 100% recycled card stock. Not only does this tickle my inner geek and inner designer but also my inner environmentalist. This print is about 20×27 inches and comes in either cobalt blue or silver. I personally prefer the blue. The price is a little steep at $49 but it IS an art piece and each one is lovingly hand prepared. The print is made across the pond so you will also pay an extra $10 for shipping to the US.
This print is reminiscent of the Helbotica T that we have in the Shop, which also cleverly composes Helvetica letterforms into the shape of a robot. So if you can’t shell out the $49 for the print, why not wear your design/geek pride on your chest for only $23.