50 Years Orbiting Above Earth

Tuesday, 04.12.11 at 6:36 pm
Written by , Posted Under: Shop

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s historic first manned mission into the great beyond… Chop Shop’s newest iconic tshirt was released today featuring 23 historic missions of mankind’s exploration of Earth and space. Missions starting with Sputnik — leading to Yuri Gagarin’s first manned mission expanding to today’s permanently manned International Space Station.

The design itself also includes unmanned missions like Sputnik, Hubble as well as missions inhabited by species other than human. A spiraling timeline weaves the missions together and is numbered with significant years of progress. Pre-Order it for Men on American Apparel’s Black, Navy or on Alstyle Black and for Women on American Apparel Black. Look for a children’s version in a few weeks as well.

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