Everybody’s Gonna Be Happy

Thursday, 08.13.09 at 6:03 pm
Written by , Posted Under: Design,Projects

For one whole year, happiness guru Gretchen Rubin pursued a set of resolutions: to get more sleep, quit nagging her husband, sing in the morning to her daughters, stick to an exercise program, start a blog, imitate a spiritual master and keep a one-sentence journal. That experiment became a blog which in turn became a book and has now been transformed (in collaboration with our studio) into an interactive toolbox.

We are stoked to announce the mainstream launch of the happinessprojecttoolbox.com which was created as an extension to Gretchen’s increasingly popular happinessproject blog. The toolbox expands on some of her basic happiness exercises into a set of online social media tools. These tools are designed to be easily populated with any user’s original content (see above). Each user’s profile can be made public and open to the community thus making the toolbox the perfect go-to in the pursuit of happiness.

On this quest for our own happiness, The Chopping Block reached deep down into their own creative toolbox. The studio created the Happiness Project Toolbox identity, architected the user experience and developed the sites interface (see above) as well as the content management system. With the overwhelming popularity of social applications like facebook and twitter, we are excited to be collaborating on a social engine that’s main function is to have it’s users deliriously happy (something we all desperately need in todays turbulent climate). We think that the toolbox can be a great first step on the road to happiness.

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this looks great and is much needed!!

08/13/2009 | 6:58 pm
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