Election Central Interactive at NCC
We were recently asked to design and help develop an interactive election themed exhibit at the National Constitution Center, located in the heart of historic Philadelphia. Election Central features eight private voting booths (see below) that ask the user to choose the 3 issues they consider most important to them in the coming election.
This is followed by a series of questions (see below) that helps to match the user to the presidential candidate who most shares their views, like eHarmony for voters. What makes this more interesting is after you are told with whom you most align — it then asks you who you will actually vote for. Forcing those who get surprising results, to consider if they are voting with their heart or with their mind.
Designed with the festive look and feel of a political rally, Election Central also merges with Election HQ to offer students that visit the center an opportunity to learn about the process and form opinions about that process as well as the many issues facing today’s voters.
The exhibit has been open since May at the National Constitution Center and runs until Election Day. However, it will not be coming down at that point. It will instead morph into a more historic version of Election Central, now asking visitors to consider which post-war presidents they most align themselves with based on historic presidential speeches and interviews.