Today is a wonderful day the block. Leo, one of our own, got himself hitched and we couldn’t be more thrilled. So you can imagine my excitement when I came across this on etsy. This adorable painting clocks in at a miniscule 2½” × 3½” but it is really quite beautiful even at such a […]
Not as long ago as 40 years ago, but just a little over 10 years ago – The Chopping Block adopted the look of NASA for one of our online incarnations. More specific our adopted look embraced the era of Apollo in hopes that a little of that former astro-glory might rub off on our […]
If you were ever curious about how many haikus you could get written just by offering some free t-shirts… we have the answer. Our tee design weRobot managed to inspire 862 different haikus written about robots on One fellow named Glitchy Goblin actually went out of his way to pen 70 all by himself […]
All developer/designer types have a myriad of applications in their arsenal that they cannot live without. I am going to skip over the obvious ones: Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator and focus on a few deeper tracks that you may or may not have heard of. Textmateby Macromates In it’s simplest form, Textmate is a plain […]
It so hard for Chop Shop to resist pop-culture references. Our best received designs thus far have been our “weRobot” and “rockStar” tees which contain about 80+ pop-icon references just between the two. So when we came across this image by Richard Miske on flickr, it was like the gods sending us a signal. Naturally, […]
Some years ago when Chopping Block was just a baby… about 95% of all the work we did was either Tor Books dust jacket designs or web banner ads for iTraffic. We would pretty much clear about 4-6 banner campaigns a week and some of the best feedback for revisions EVER would come from this […]
Chopshop mania is reportedly sweeping the nation! Three years after it’s online debut, we are proud to announce the arrival of Chop Shop’s flagship store, right here in New York City. The 40,000 square foot location is spread out over three floors, with over 800 tshirt styles and posters on hand. Finally, a store that […]
Every once in a while the office is thrown into disarray due to a Chop Shop photo session. These sessions usually work out one of two ways. The first one is that Tom (that is me, and for the sake of this document will heretofore be referred to as “Master Blaster”) will get a shipment […]
Thanks for clicking by! We have grand plans for This is the first release within the much hyped ROBOTS™ redesign of the studio site. Over the years, we have created dozens (if not ten bushels) of blogs and publication tools for clients and friends — it’s way beyond time we built one for ourselves. […]