This summer, the wife and I loaded up the boys and spent a week of our summer vacation at Disney World, an event which (for my wife) should never be attempted without matching family t-shirts. Fortunately, I really like her a lot… AND we are both designers. We crafted a family crest thats part Disney […]
It is hard to dedicate your heart to any one thing. The best we can do is divide our passions up among the things that really matter to us and that is exactly what Chop Shop’s new tshirt design intends to do. Please note that not all proportions may be accurate for all people… to […]
After 8 long years lost in the Sea of Holes, we emerge into The Sea of Hope with Barack Obama at the helm. Join the first family as they battle the Green Meanies of recession and plant a blue flower square on the nose of Rush Limbaugh. Wear your HOPE on your sleeves, literally. New […]