Design Mag: It’s Nice That – Issue 1

Friday, 04.10.09 at 1:51 pm
Written by , Posted Under: Design,Inspiration

its nice that publication
Yesterday the kindly postman brought me another dose of design inspiration. A hot off the presses copy of It’s Nice That‘s first print issue. It’s Nice that calls it self a “online archive” of “cutting edge creative work from all over the world”. I’ve been a fan of their daily doses of diverse art and design related content for a while now. When they announced that they were producing a print version of their best content, I feverishly clicked the pre-order button.

The zine, like the site, is simple and elegantly designed. It arrived with a silk screened poster and a handwritten thank you note from It’s Nice That‘s creators Will and Alex. While Flipping through the photo filled pages and reading over the text I was struck by the zine’s success at transferring what had been online content to print (check out the process on their flickr page). After a solid day of designing on a backlit screen, it’s refreshing to be able to look at and touch some physically tangible design.

Issue No 1 is a beautiful success. I highly recommend this publication which can be purchased directly from It’s Nice That for a steal. I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next installment coming this October.

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