Waist deep and no life guard is on duty
Monday, 07.20.09 at 4:58 pm
Written by Tim, Posted Under: Inspiration
When faced with the task of finding an image for a comp, I usually head on over to Flickr. The problem is that I inevitably get side-tracked by all the shiny, shiny pictures. So it’s time to focus on specific pools of photos. Today, I came across 2 really great ones, Masters of the Words and Tattoos of Words Only. Both have excellent examples of something that I spend(waste) hours looking at; something we all take for granted – Type. I am fascinated by how every piece of type for a sign, product or even tattoo has some kind of story behind it and both of these Flickr pools do a great job of collecting those stories.
Some of my favorites are ( “Expert Metal & Leather Work“, “I must“, “WHEREVER I MAY ROAM“, and “finally“)