Chop Shop is excited to release its latest tee design, “Filter Heroes”. The original concept was actually hatched during The Chopping Block’s formative years in the late 90’s. At that time the studio repeatedly re-worked their company website to look like anything but a design studio’s website. The first versions included a Nascar site, a […]
Not only do we design for rock bands like Phish and They Might Be Giants, but sometimes we also work for “The Man”. Our long-time client Council on Accreditation, utilized our powerful design & development team to deliver a website for The Department of Defense that’s goal was to, “expand the number of civilian quality […]
For one whole year, happiness guru Gretchen Rubin pursued a set of resolutions: to get more sleep, quit nagging her husband, sing in the morning to her daughters, stick to an exercise program, start a blog, imitate a spiritual master and keep a one-sentence journal. That experiment became a blog which in turn became a […]
Today is a wonderful day the block. Leo, one of our own, got himself hitched and we couldn’t be more thrilled. So you can imagine my excitement when I came across this on etsy. This adorable painting clocks in at a miniscule 2½” × 3½” but it is really quite beautiful even at such a […]