A while back we posted about a great new product by the online friend of all designers known as Swiss-Miss. Tattly sells beautifully designed temporary tattoos to parents, kids, adult-kids and to anyone else who needs them. As a parent, I was always well aware of how hard it was to find cool temporary tattoos […]
Our Chop Cards are ideal for making your mobile dreams come true! We just got another batch of mobile design index cards back from the printer. Now you too can brainstorm like a pro with one hundred spot-color mobile device frames printed on high quality bright white index cards. Stockpile them for yourself or share […]
Virginians! I will be speaking this Thursday at AIGA Hampton Roads in Virginia Beach, VA. I will be presenting on “Web Design for Non Web Design People,” my ongoing quest to demystify the complexity of web design and provide some real-world direction as to what designers should be doing and learning to increase their comfort […]
How do you save the world? Stop the robots? Kill the deadly Beast of Caerbannog? You do it with a Holy Hand Grenade or with a shark with frickin’ laser beams attached to its head. weLoaded features 79 fictional weapons from various pop-culture sources including television, film, video games and comic books.
The Chop Shop iconic series of designs continues — and is going ape. Okay, so maybe “ape” is taxonomically too specific. Let’s just say the design features a bunch of chimpanzees, monkeys, gorillas and even a few human-ape hybrids to please the sci-fi crowd. That is a total of celebrated simians from various sources of film, television, […]
CHOP (preview) from Peter Buchanan-Smith on Vimeo. Via notcot.org.
Last week we set forth upon the internets (YouTube) a fun little short film/project envisioning what the daily life of a creative team might be like if Photoshop had never been invented. The project started off the exact same way the video does: with somebody, as designers or photographers frequently do, asking: “Can you imagine […]
We take great comfort in the fact that our core competency is design, user experience and front end development. This is not to say that we could not also build large scale web applications – it’s just not advantageous for us to offer this part of the process as a service. Most of the pain […]
Design life is more than a tshirt design. Its a way of life. Know what I’m sayin’? I mean, its a tshirt that’ll put some hair on your chest… Know what I’m sayin’? The kernel of this idea came from a bowling team full of Chopping Block folks. The team name was the “Burly Bowling […]
A bunch of new prints suddenly appeared on chopshopstore.com and are even nerdier than a whole boat load of robot icons. Nerd Rider (left) is actually the original version of a tshirt that has mysteriously disappeared from our collection due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control. The Craftsman (center) was inspired by the video game World […]