Every once in a while I’ll come by some product that I must email out to the entire studio and beg them to get it for the office. I think I may have just stumbled upon such a product. Behold, Lime Robot Love Soap by LoveLeeSoaps. The soap is made from glyerin and shea butter […]
Just in case you didn’t have enough to do at work today or you are scanning the classifieds in your parent’s basement… we thought we would share some of our connect-the-dots activities with you.
The hottest ticket in town this week is the SVA’s Illustration as Visual Essay Thesis Show. We are consistently humbled by one of the most unique visual arts graduate programs in the world. Twenty amazingly talented illustrators, with confident, figurative drawing and painting skills, present their personal visions this week in Chelsea. See you at […]
There is something I just love about Supermarkethq. I would never do anything to hurt Etsy’s feelings, but Supermarkethq is the newest kid on the block and we think its got legs. Big, long, lanky designer legs. One of the best things you can find there are various hand letter-pressed products (L2 Design Collective shown […]
Some years ago when Chopping Block was just a baby… about 95% of all the work we did was either Tor Books dust jacket designs or web banner ads for iTraffic. We would pretty much clear about 4-6 banner campaigns a week and some of the best feedback for revisions EVER would come from this […]
Yesterday the kindly postman brought me another dose of design inspiration. A hot off the presses copy of It’s Nice That‘s first print issue. It’s Nice that calls it self a “online archive” of “cutting edge creative work from all over the world”. I’ve been a fan of their daily doses of diverse art and […]
Since being reincarnated as a designer (I was a hummingbird in my previous life, and Houdini the life before that), every night before going to bed I develop an insatiable appetite for design inspiration, so I prowl the interwebs for the life-blood… mainly in screenprinted form. For the time being, Good Ole Jesse, Billy Badass […]
Today’s Robot Stuff on Etsy features a hand pulled screen print of a robot made up of letters on 100% recycled card stock. Not only does this tickle my inner geek and inner designer but also my inner environmentalist. This print is about 20×27 inches and comes in either cobalt blue or silver. I personally prefer the blue. […]
To the Planeteers: I found a proper vessel to celebrate the day you convince Captain Planet to cut his mullet. These glass cups were once used bottles flame cut and polished into the gorgeous forms you see above. Among my favorite are the Boylan glasses which make their appeal by way of the screenprinted label […]
A while back we released a few pin striping inspired tshirt designs. As I watched the designer study and practice the craft of freehand pin striping (with a brush & exceptionally steady hand), I couldn’t help but wonder if the reflection part of the design could be automated within Illustrator. Emulating the fidelity of a […]